The Following Organizations Provide Services to Those in Need…
211.org is the most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services in the country.
The San Diego Food Bank offers a range of programs including a senior food program, diaper bank, period supply program and more. Learn more here:
Find food! This GPS locator map lists food distribution sites in the San Diego area:
Feeding San Diego is on a mission to connect every person facing hunger with nutritious meals by maximizing food rescue.
Jewish Family Service offers home delivered meals to adults over the age of 60
Meals on Wheels offers home delivered meals to seniors and veterans
Housing & Shelter
Interfaith Community Services provides programs and services including food & basic needs, substance-use treatment, vocational training, and housing solutions.
The East County Transitional Living Center offers emergency housing, a 1 year transitional living program, family restoration, employment training, youth services and more.
The San Diego Rescue Mission provides meals, shelter, clothing, education and job skills-training for men, women and single parents with children experiencing homelessness.
Father Joe’s Villages provides housing, meals, healthcare, education and training to those in need.
Habitat for Humanity partners with families to achieve affordable home ownership.
Youth Services
Youth in Transition for the Poway Unified School District serves families experiencing housing instability and homelessness by seeking to remove barriers to academic success.
Crisis Help
988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors that provide free and confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. If you or someone you know is in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988.
A comprehensive list of crisis hotlines, warmlines and suicide prevention resources: